The Samsung U600 is one of the other fashion phone i decided to start my blog with.
Just looking at the the photo from the left amazes me. Samsung has defenetly managed to create one of the most beautiful stylish phones ever ..
Incredibly , even though it's so slim and so small , it is very well built , seems very resistent while holded in hand.It has a microSD card slot , wich is the cheapest on the market.
His dispaly is wide and bright , but unfortunetly , i read some reviews about another model from Samsung (The D900i) and many people complained about the fact , that the screen is very fragile. So fragile that it can easily Brake..while held just in the pocket.
Hope these are just some rumors.. because this phone is way too beautiful to have this kind of problems.The worst part is that Samsung doesn't even recognize this problem so they don't accept guarantee repairing.. using the excuse that people are careless with their phones , once again i hope that is not true.
Also.. Samsung has launched a new and improved model of u600.. called (DOH) u700 :)). I will write a review about it when i collect more data.